ISED INDIA     +91-755-2767785     +91-9111811933     Registration


1. Training & Capacity building

ISED Services are very focused in providing its training and capacity building services. It aims to create the integrated capital in rural areas such as Human Capital, Social Capital, and Natural Capital. It covers the technical as well as non-technical aspects of sustainable development and growth. The activities are designed to enable the competence,entrepreneurship, and leadership among the communities such as Farmers, Farmers Producer Organisation, Agri-entrepreneurs, Self Help Groups (SHGs), Rural Women, etc.

2. Institution building

Sustainability and continuity of the outcome of the developmental interventions can only be ensured through incorporating effective institution with the development interventions. The developmental activities of ISED Services always include the effective institution building needed for its sustainability and continuity such as Special Purpose Vehicle (SPVs). Famers Producer Organisationa (FPOs), Federations, etc. The institution building activities mostly comprises of the activities such as formation, promotion, technical, commercial, operational, compliances, etc.

3. Incubation

ISED Services are engaged in incubation of livelihood-basedStartups and Community Business Organisations (CBOs), such as FPOs, Cooperatives, SHGs and their federations. The incubation services are very specialised and includes formation, promotion, compliances, technology, ideation, product development, packaging, product positioning, funding, escalling, market linkages, branding, social media marketing, etc.

4. Women Empowerment

Women are the backbone of the social capital, social sustainability and development. Empowered women symbolise the empowered society. ISED Services takes special focus to empower the women for sustainable livelihood and sustainable society. ISED Services empower them with leadership and skills such as value chain, supply chain, technologies, operations, communication, commercialisation, livelihood opportunities and entrepreneurship, etc.

5. Financial/Digital Inclusion

Today is the era of digital and financial inclusion. It is a must interventionfor sustained livelihood creation and promotion, specially for farmers, women and community business organisations (CBOs). ISED Services are regularly conducting the training program on financial and digital inclusion in each of its social intervention. It enhances the sustainability and continuity of the interventions. The key interventions includes Banking operations, digital payment systems, Kisan Credit Cards (KCC),

6. Market Linkages

Effective and managed market linkages are mandatory for sustained development and growth of the society. To ensure the effective market linkages, ISED Services is regularly conducting the summits, buyer seller meets, brain storming sessions, etc along with opportunity and market specific capacity building. Few events specific to market linkages for FPOs, SHGs, and cooperatives are regular and very well known nationally, such as Krishi Manthan, Vyapar Manthan, Krishi Bhushan, etc.
